Saturday, November 10, 2012

Harapan Bangsa - Hope of our Nation

With the years of lying, racial and religious rivalries and the emphasis on neutralizing the majority of the Christian voters in Sarawak and Sabah by the BN/UMNO Government, the Nation has been literary torn apart, the anger of the people concerning corruptions and privatisation of Government owned companies and statutory bodies which benefit only a few especially those who are in the Camps of the ruling elites, umnoputras as they have been branded , and the granting of full citizenship and voting rights to million of illegal Muslim immigrants are turning into deaf ears and blind eyes!
This song "Harapan Bangsa" - Hope for the Nation - had reached to a new level of meanings for millions of Christians especially those Borneo States which had been duped to join Malaysia and been a topic of heated debates among the fundametalist Muslim factions in Malaysia.
As you listen to this song, mediate on the words and pray especially for the common Malays who are also created in the picture and image of YHVH ELOHIM and Yeshua HaMashiach also loved them and died for them even as Satan is deceiving them to believe that it was Judas, and not Yeshua (Jesus), who was crucified and died on the Cross at Calvary two thousand plus years ago For their sins and salvation. What a deception! And of course, Satan is telling them we are the ones who are the DECEIVED ONES. Halleluya !

Sayang Kinabalu - Japanese version

Only in Malaysia